Distractions, reflections

David Ing, at large … Sometimes, my mind wanders

Monthly Archives September 2009

2008/09/12 South Kensington, London

Strolling around South Kensington, Ellen and I got a little lost before finding our way to a show at the Royal College of Art, and then a stroll through Kensington Gardens.
After I had spent a few hours at the Tate Britain, Ellen arrived in town, and we went for lunch.  She suggested an art show a little distance away, so we hopped on the Tube to South Kensington station.   As we tried to get oriented, we found ourselves outside the Henry Cole Wing of the Victoria and Albert Museum.

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Looking at our maps, the Science Museum seemed to be the wrong direction.

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We turned the direction we thought was north, up Exhibition Road, finding another wing of the Victoria and Albert Museum.

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Since I have a Brompton bicycle, I was intrigued to turn down Brompton Square.  This neighbourhood isn’t a likely one for bicycle factory. Continue reading2008/09/12 South Kensington, London

2008/09/12 Tate Britain, London

I had read about a performance work of runners sprinting through the main corridor of the Tate Britain, and saw this in person.
Coming into London from the south suburbs for the day, I found my way to the Tate Britain.  I haven’t been to this art museum before.

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I had read about “Art with Legs” in the Toronto Globe and Mail, so I was looking forward to Work No. 850, by Martin Creed.

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The sign reads:

Work No. 850 centres on a simple idea: that a person will run as fast as they can through the gallery. Each run is followed by an equivalent pause, like a musical rest, during which the grand Neoclassical gallery is empty.

This work celebrates physicality and the human spirit. Creed has instructed the runners to sprint as if their lives depended on it.

So, I wasn’t surprised to see  a runner dashing down the long hall.

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I moved over to the side, and a few minutes later, a different runner came through the hall. Continue reading2008/09/12 Tate Britain, London

2008/09/10 National Railway Museum, Yorkshire Wheel

The conference dinner for OR50 was held at the National Railway Museum, which included a ride on the Yorkshire Wheel.
The conference dinner for OR50 was scheduled at the National Railway Museum in York.  As we approached the venue, the size of the Yorkshire Wheel became apparent.

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The material and techniques to construct the wheel should have been low in complexity, given today’s technology.  The form, however, is still impressive.

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I had arrived on one of the later buses, because our driver got lost on the way.  Most of the other attendees had already had their ride on the wheel.

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Each pod seats up to 6 people. Continue reading2008/09/10 National Railway Museum, Yorkshire Wheel

2008/09/10 Walking tour of York: Shambles and City Wall

Attending a conference in York came with the benefit of a walking tour of the city.
Included in the OR50 program was a selection of social activities.  I chose the walking tour of the City of York.  The core of the city is ringed by walls dating back to Roman times.  I doubt that original wall were constructed sufficiently wide to permit today’s normal automobile traffic.

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The bus dropped us off near the Yorkshire Gardens, and we walked towards the town centre, along the inside of the wall.

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We started our walking tour by the lawn by the wall.

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Just before crossing the Lendal Bridge, we could look down onto the road beside the riverside.

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The passing centuries inside the city walls have allowed the maturity of urban forestry. Continue reading2008/09/10 Walking tour of York: Shambles and City Wall

2008/09/10 University of York, Yorkshire

The OR50 conference gave me the opportunity to experience living and visiting University of York, in Yorkshire.
I was at the University of York — at Yorkshire, not York University in Toronto! — for OR50: The 50th annual meeting of the Operational Research Society, centered in England.  As one of the top universities in England, I was impressed by the Heslington campus.  The plenary session were held in Central Hall.


When in the conference was in session in the lecture theatre of Central Hall, the scenery of the lake right next to it isn’t apparent.


On the lawns by the lake, the ducks have settled in at home.


Near the northern perimeter of the campus, Alcuin College was the choice for conference accommodations. Continue reading2008/09/10 University of York, Yorkshire

2008/09/08 Beverley, Yorkshire

After-hours drinks with colleagues took us to the market cross and a traditional pub in Beverley.
Beverley — a market town, with a long history in Yorkshire — is where some of the professors at the University of Hull live.  After a day in seminars, we chose the town as a destination for drinks and dinner.  There’s been a market cross in Beverley since the 1700s, although the current structure must have been constructed more recently.


The market only happens on Saturday morning, so the space is a parking lot for the rest of the week.


The street named Toll Gavel may have been where road charges were paid in the 13th century.


As is common in most small British towns, stores don’t open late.  Window shopping is the only option. Continue reading2008/09/08 Beverley, Yorkshire

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