Hell’s Kitchen is an intriguing name for a New York neighbourhood, worth an early morning walk in the summer.
West of the theatre district in New York City is
Hell’s Kitchen, a district with such
a menacing name. I’ve never had a reason to go there, but since I was staying in a hotel right on the edge of the neighbourhood, it was worth an early morning walk. I started at 49th Street, walking south on 9th Avenue. It’s a wide street, with traffic one-way downtown (i.e. southbound).
On the east side of the street, the security gates on some shops were still down in the early morning. They don’t present the most attractive face for the city.
Another block south to 48th Street, there were more shops with shutters down.
The variety of storefronts on 9th Avenue means convenient shopping for residents nearby on the side streets.
44th Street is a wide one-way street, looking east from 9th Avenue. Continue reading “2008/08/13 Hell’s Kitchen, NYC“