Distractions, reflections

David Ing, at large … Sometimes, my mind wanders

2014/10 Moments, October 2014

Toronto, Ontario; London, UK; Keimolanportti, Finland; Espoo, Finland; Helsinki, Finland; Oslo, Norway; Nottingham, UK; Coventry, UK; Hull, UK.

Jazz Bistro
Jazz Bistro. Classy family night, jazz piano with @wmatsushita. Rare to have all four sons at home at the same time. (Toronto) 20141001
AC856 new 787-8
AC856 new 787-8 . New config, see USB, still looking for AC power outlet. Sad goodbye to DY, she had traveled with me since July. Will wake up in London early. (Toronto Pearson Airport) 20141005
LHR T2 early
LHR T2 early. Tuesday morning Heathrow check-in opens at 5 a.m., but passengers not yet going to gates. Automobile sculpture would be interesting, but T2 too mammoth, and B gates 15 minute walk away. (London, UK) 20141007
Bus transfer at Keimolanportti
Bus transfer at Keimolanportti. Second time taking bus from Helsinki Vantaa airport to Hämeenlinna. After 15 minutes west then north on highway, first bus parks at truck stop, and waits for second bus to arrive and face other direction. Luggage is moved, then passengers board. No platform or signs. Pragmatic, but strange in total darkness when it’s cold outside. Major route towards Tampere. (Keimolanportti) 20141007
Used books for free
Used books for free. At Häme University of Applied Science, bookshelf had old technical manuals, a few research reports published by Finnish institutes. Nothing inspiring, a few familiar titles obsolete for the immersed. (Hameenlinna) 20141008
Plush blue catfish
Plush blue catfish. Life sized mascot of lake fish now extinct in Häme region. Hidden in second floor corridor. (Hameenlinna) 20141009
Kitchen at Aalto Design Factory
Kitchen at Aalto Design Factory. Drawers with “free to use food” and fridge where “unlabelled food can be used freely” illustrate Finnish cooperative design culture, simple and clear. Real time video feed of Tongji Design Factory in Shanghai shows how small the world has become. (Espoo) 20141010
White suits on parliament steps
White suits on parliament steps. Saturday night in Helsinki, this group isn’t the only one dressed up for night out. Black is more popular for women with long eyelashes. (Helsinki) 20141011
Art Week Helsinki at the Cable Factory
Art Week Helsinki at the Cable Factory on Flickr. Slow Sunday on west side of a Helsinki. Free art exhibition less interesting than cavernous building, finished roughly. Grey day outside, but mild the enough for walking and talking. (Helsinki) 20141012
Trash art, Jari Miranda
Trash art, Jari Miranda. Exhibition at Aalto Arts: The Flying Car, The Bubble, Desk, El Cello, all 2014 works. Creativity on display in industrial setting. (Helsinki) 20141013
Oslo Lufthavn platform 4
Oslo Lufthavn platform 4. Can see breath on cold Oslo mid-October morning, cooler than Helsinki earlier in the dark. Waiting for local train to Sentrum, sign says Delay. Reality is train only a few minutes wait, so, Norwegian precision? (Oslo) 20141014
Myra Lokka Park by Vøyenbrua
Myra Lokka Park by Vøyenbrua. Dusk walk from U. Oslo to Grunerlokka includes scenic path south on east bank of Akerselva River. Instead of 40 minute commute in and put off city centre, 70 minute downhill stroll was relaxing. (Oslo) 20141015
Akerselva River at Vulkan
Akerselva River at Vulkan. Rainy morning 10 minute walk north to AHO includes crossing scenic Akerselva River at Vulkan complex. Calming start to the day. (Oslo) 20141016
Peter Jones presenting at #RSD3
Peter Jones presenting at #RSD3. @redesign on Flourishing Business in Oslo, while @aupward in Cleveland. Living up to Relating Systems Thinking and Design title for symposium. (Oslo) 20141017
To French and English Gardens
To French and English Gardens. Henrik Wergelands Garden Pavilion at the Norwegian Folk Museum. Drizzly day will get worse, go outdoors first. (Oslo) 20141018
Astrup Fearnley permanent collection
Astrup Fearnley permanent collection on Flickr. Disappointing Europe Europe show in Oslo immediately lightened by seeing Damien Hurst 1993 Mother and Child Divided, walking into front door. The curator makes the difference. (Oslo) 20141018
Passport check, OSL
Passport check, OSL. Ways to create stress in air travel. Gate from Oslo, Norway to Manchester, UK is beyond unexpected passport control. A case for not waiting for the very last moment to board. (Oslo) 20141019
Well stocked Chinese mart
Well stocked Chinese mart on Flickr. Over lunch in Nottingham, Martin asked what fermented black beans look like. Around the corner, the store has them both in small plastic bags, and cylindrical paper cartons. No need for the jars with pre-made sauce. A signal of cultural diversity in a university town. (Nottingham) 20141020
Fountains at U. Warwick
Fountains at U. Warwick on Flickr. Cool fall day in Warwickshire, wind blowing the fountains. Visiting IIPSI, at WMG, enjoying stroll from conference centre through campus. (University of Warwick) 20141021
Two heads, tourists
Two heads, tourists. After lecture, waiting for taxi, asked to pose with Chinese tourists by statues outside Hull Business School. The man seemed to like my winter hat. How many cameras, smartphones and tablets used for one good digital photo? (Hull) 20141022
Art installation in progress
Art installation in progress. Large assembly at the Tate Britain requires construction crew to make an artist’s work presentable to the public. in the atrium of 500 Years of British Art, between the 1540 and present day periods. New display by Philip King opens Dec. 8, still 6 weeks away. (London) 20141023
Premonition: Ukrainian Art Now
Premonition: Ukrainian Art Now. Anna Sorokovaya 2013 “Illusory Body” illuminated hanging clothes is lit blue by the neon installation on the other side of the room. Some Saatchi galleries reserved for the Wine Experience London, so visitors are directed to upper floor exhibitions. (London) 20141024
Terminal 2 - The Queen's Terminal
Terminal 2 – The Queen’s Terminal. Check in concourse to Heathrow Terminal 2 spacious, which means super-human scale from Piccadilly Underground through security. Gate in T3 (London) 20141025
LHR T2 play area
LHR T2 play area. Crawling space for baby area on the ground, climbing space for juniors above. (London) 20141025
Used book sale
Used book sale on Flickr. Last day at annual Trinity College book sale. Shelves less dense, but still found treasure: Boulding’s Ecodynamics, a systems theory work that I’ve never found before. (Toronto) 20141027

New streetcar tracks
New streetcar tracks. Leslie Street south of Queen Street still under construction, but east-west blockage is now clear. In a few months, will have screeching turns on rails, as streetcars come and go to new barns. (Toronto) 20141030

2014/09 Moments, September 2014

Toronto, Ontario; Sarnia, Ontario; LaSalle, IL; Allerton Park, IL; Mount Carmel, IL; Toledo, OH; Markham, Ontario.

Play reading with supertitles
Play reading with supertitles. Workshop @FuGenTheatre of Da Jia by Sophie Gee Nervous Hunter mixing English, Cantonese + Mandarin. Story in development, feels like Canadian Chinese families (Toronto) 20140902
Real cattails, bronze birds
Real cattails, bronze birds. Ontario Travel Centre at Sarnia is a convenient rest stop before crossing into Port Huron. American border guard confiscated Canadian grape tomatoes (Sarnia) 20140909
Blue Water Bridge view north
Blue Water Bridge view north. Crossing St. Clair River westbound from Sarnia to Port Huron on a Tuesday noon means no delays. Landmark lighthouse, is that a boat? (Port Huron) 20140909
Lock 16, LaSalle Il
Lock 16, LaSalle Il. Historic Illinois & Michigan Canal, with boat for education and events. Wooden locks still intact, could require rebuilding if we ever needed heavy use again. Lock 16 at LaSalle, Il 20140910
PLoP plenary
PLoP plenary. Introduction to Writers’ Workshop approach by Richard Gabriel as a more teacher-like, in the library at the Allerton Park Retreat Center for Pattern Languages of Programs Conference 2014 (Allerton Park) 20140915
Writers Workshop at  PLoP 2014
Writers Workshop at PLoP 2014. Reviewing process led by @rpg with @taka_iba as up first. Writers group labeled as Narrow Road to the Deep North focused on social applications of Alexandrian pattern language (Allerton Park) 20140915
PLoP 2014 closing ceremony
PLoP 2014 closing ceremony. Network of yarn as social graph of relationships gained at the end of Pattern Languages of Programs conference. Warm way to say goodbye. (Allerton Park) 20140917
Wabash and White Rivers
Wabash and White Rivers. Mount Carmel IL is at the junction of the Wabash and White Rivers. Twin Rivers Resto for relaxed lunch with Tom and Dorothy, we have all gotten grey hair since grad school days (Mount Carmel, IL) 20140918
Trying out glassware
Trying out glassware. At the Libbey Factory Outlet in Toledo, appreciating the large variety of shapes for drinking glasses. We prefer shapes that fit the hand, but can they also be modern? (Toledo, Ohio) 20140919
Wedding band
Wedding band. Bride at leisure after nuptials completed on a sunny fall afternoon. Swing band adding gaiety to the fun of the wedding. Markham Museum a festive site for all. (Markham) 20140920
No parking mural
No parking mural. Pedestrian Sunday buskers in Kensington Market cause bike dismount in front of mural with dogs playing cards. Real dogs in yard next to garage. (Toronto) 20140928
Boardwalk fall sunset
Boardwalk fall sunset. Runners in shorts, dog walkers, baby strollers enjoying the warm September dusk, before the dark brings cool. Expect good weather tomorrow. (Toronto) 20140929

California Sandwiches
California Sandwiches. Even splitting a veal sandwich on a date is a lot of food for lunch. Cheap date for old married couple (Toronto) 20140930

2014/08 Moments, August 2014

New York City; Corning, NY; Toronto, Ontario.

NYC skyline north from 42nd Street
NYC skyline north from 42nd Street. Sunset soon over Manhattan, view from 20th floor apartment in Hells Kitchen. Surprisingly easy access into NYC on a lazy summer weekend. (New York City) 20140802
Innovation Stage, Corning Museum of Glass
Innovation Stage, Corning Museum of Glass. Expert glassblower working at high speed, with commentators on English and Mandarin. Corning Museum deserves more time than our visit today will allow. (Corning, NY) 20140804
Fountains at Massey College
Fountains at Massey College. Natural cooling on a warm August late afternoon at the U of Toronto, outside the Junior Common Room at Massey College. A quiet place to meet, if invited. (Toronto) 20140808
Free sample lineup
Free sample lineup. Mob in front of @Sabra foods truck @ToTheDanforth, but dips all gone late Sunday afternoon, just offering pita chips. Festival stretches east of Pape, bike is best way there. (Toronto, Sunday) 20140810
Table or bench?
Table or bench? In Little India, outdoor furniture by sidewalk provided by restaurant, either as low tables or high benches. Short stools underneath add to options. Early before dinner rush. (Toronto) 20140813
Gates to nowhere
Gates to nowhere. Short drive to precipitous drop down east bank of Don Valley, south of Mount Stephen St., east of Blackburn St. Nearby signs say Hydro One replacing equipment at Gerrard Transformer Station. Empty space close to downtown Toronto. 20140818
Trompe d'oeil mural
Trompe d’oeil mural. Not a back door into a garden on the west side of Bleeker Street south of Wellesley Street, but instead some brightness on the long brick wall of Fudger House. Paint is fading, could use a retouch. (Toronto) 20140822
Fountains at Edward Gardens
Fountains at Edward Gardens. Annual ritual repeated for the 29th time, renewing the promise again. Busy Sunday with wedding parties, our sons away on their own lives. (Don Mills) 20140824

Mural on O'Keefe Lane
Mural on O’Keefe Lane. Colourful bridge joining Ed Mirvish Theatre entrance on Yonge Street and former Pantages Theatre on Victoria Street. Dumpsters not so scenic, steps south of Yonge-Dundas Square. (Toronto) 20140828

Art on a clothesline
Art on a clothesline. Wind Warriors photographs with oversized clothespins beside children’s garden at Princess Park One of the Stories from the Esplanade, part of the Contact Festival (Toronto) 20140830

2014/07 Moments, July 2014

Los Angeles, CA; Toronto, Ontario; Warsaw, Poland; Krakow, Poland; Niagara Falls; Washington, DC; Rosslyn, VA.

Sketinghuish 1, 2, 3
Sketinghuish 1, 2, 3. Installation by Sket One, in L.A. Heat exhibit, Chinese American Museum. Painting by Audrey Chan in background. (Olvera Street, Los Angeles) 20140703
Barracks moved from Wyoming
Barracks moved from Wyoming. Disassembled and reconstructed American concentration camp for Japanese from Heart Mountain Wyoming circa 1942, now at Japanese American National Museum (Los Angeles) 20140703
Flexing at Muscle Beach
Flexing at Muscle Beach. Judging for Mr and Mrs Muscle Beach on Independence Day in Venice’ California 20140704
Fitting hands at the Chinese Theatre
Fitting hands at the Chinese Theatre. Sizing up to Samuel L. Jackson in concrete in front of the Chinese Theater in Hollywood. Usual crowds, even on July 4.
Usual pickup, Pearson Terminal 1
Usual pickup, Pearson Terminal 1. Even Adam says that the pattern of arriving so Pearson Airport, and being picked up by family is getting to be familiar. (Toronto) 20140705
Warszawa Centralna
Warszawa Centralna. S3 train from Chopin Airport to Warsaw Centralna station sorry short but slow. Bought ticket for Krakow on Friday, office for English. (Warsaw, Poland) 20140716
Farm north of Krakow
Farm north of Krakow. Train paused, horses not paying attention. Journey from Warsaw to Krakow shows lots of agriculture, and a few towns. Fighting key lag in compartment of 6 passengers. (Krakow) 20140718
Barbican, Krakow
Barbican, Krakow. Touring historic sites in Krakow, noticing tight walkways and low headroom. Poland must have fewer lawyers, as simple warning signs of hazards suffice (Krakow) 20140719
Desk at Schindler’s Factory
Desk at Schindler’s Factory. Enamel factory of WWII run by Oskar Schindler rebuilt into immersive museum of Krakow before and during war. Tough for Poles, tougher for Jews (Krakow) 20140720
Jagiellonian U 600th Anniversary campus
Jagiellonian U 600th Anniversary campus. Uni in Krakow dates back to 1394, but 25 minute tram ride to third campus not yet fully completed. Circular glass library fronts management and social communications school. HSSE meetings in AHFE conference (Krakow) 20140722
Krakow airport construction
Krakow airport construction. Reports of Krakow Terminal 1 as work in progress is accurate. Coming from a university campus due for completion in 2015, Polish economy seems healthy. Food and lodging seems cheaper than other European cities. (Krakow) 20140723
Niagara Falls from the Rainbow Bridge
Niagara Falls from the Rainbow Bridge. On a summer Friday morning, the Rainbow Bridge border crossing was the quickest, not to mention most scenic, way into the U.S. DY driving, so passenger shot out window while moving (Niagara Falls) 20140725
Skylights, Library of Congress
Skylights, Library of Congress on Flickr. Ceiling to blue sky on Great Hall of the Library of Congress has lots of tourists continuing from Capitol Hill tour. Ties between public record and democratic ideals (Washington, DC) 20140726
Key Bridge from Rosslyn
Key Bridge from Rosslyn on Flickr. Cloudy Sunday morning overlooking Potomac River into Washington DC. View from 9th floor hotel balcony, don’t see the joggers and cyclists that we saw yesterday, but we are an hour earlier (Rosslyn, VA) 20140727

Systemic Design track at ISSS
Systemic Design track at ISSS. Lots of friends at #isss2014 session, says Peter Jones @redesign. @OCAD #sfi activities reviewed starting session on Systemics in the Design community. (Washington, DC) 20140731

2014/06 Moments, June 2014

Coventry, UK; Stratford upon Avon, UK; Toronto, Ontario; Las Vegas, NV.

Lady Godiva statue at Broadgate Coventry
Lady Godiva statue at Broadgate Coventry . 1949 work by Sir William Reid Dick at central Coventry in early evening. Few pedestrians, nice weather, but few attractions other than bars with karaoke (Coventry) 20140601
Fountains at U. Warwick
Fountains at U. Warwick. Visiting @ireneclng at Intl Institute for Product and Service Innovation, students on bus unlikely to know building, so asked for math department next door. 30 minutes from Coventry (U Warwick) 20140602
Stratford upon Avon canal basin
Stratford upon Avon canal basin on Flickr. Tour boats moored on a late Monday afternoon, as Stratford upon Avon visitors reorient towards the RSC theatre just beyond. Scenic route towards Heathrow for flight home tomorrow. (Stratford upon Avon) 20140602
Stone Distillery equipment from 1863
Stone Distillery equipment from 1863. Historic alcohol production facility, Badger Distillation Control Panel beside a Distilling Column now with stairs wrapped around it. Factory converted to offices. (Distillery District, Toronto) 20140606
Cardboard Beach, David Pecault Square
Cardboard Beach, David Pecault Square. nstallation by Los Carpinteros for Luminato Festival has visitors reclining on the shade. Corrugated cardboard is a good material for an event that runs one week. (Toronto) 20140609
TTC track construction
TTC track construction. Lining up streetcar rails on Queen Street just west of Leslie Street. Cause of traffic rerouting, but there isn’t much pavement right now. (Toronto) 20140612
Underpass from Don River bike path
Underpass from Don River bike path. New tunnel from the Don River bike path westbound into Corktown Commons. A new way to get downtown without climbing a bridge over the river (Toronto) 20140614
Watershed map of Toronto
Watershed map of Toronto on Flickr. Sheet metal installation orienting five Toronto rivers, by Ferrucio Sardella. At the Evergreen Brick Works, on the banks of Mud Creek, off the Lower Don River. (Toronto) 20140614
Stone bench at The Waterfront School
Stone bench at The Waterfront School. Quiet late afternoon by Harbourfront, classes will still be on for a few weeks. CN Tower and Canada Malting silos in background (Toronto) 20140617
OCADU Great Hall ceiling lights
OCADU Great Hall ceiling lights. On summer, the second floor common space at 100 McCaul St. is dark and empty, but the style of the design school shows through in the non-rectilinear arrangement of ceiling lights (Toronto) 20140619
Elephant Rock turnout, Valley of Fire State Park
Elephant Rock turnout, Valley of Fire State Park. Red sandstone formations in 100+ degree F heat. Entered state park from east side, honour payment in envelope, but then checked at west gate exit (Nevada) 20140627
Opera at St. Marks Square
Opera at St. Marks Square. Inside the Venetian Hotel, singing after dish, but outside, sun doesn’t set for another 2.5 hours. American tourists prefer canals that don’t stink, in Las Vegas 20140628

Viva Vision, Fremont Street
Viva Vision, Fremont Street. Light show with music by Heart. Son and nephew didn’t know primal artist only Guitar Hero version. We have better sound in our basement. (Fremont Street, Las Vegas)

2014/05 Moments, May 2014

Chicago, IL; Toronto, Ontario; Fairfield, IA; Des Moines, IA; Deadwood, SD; London, UK; Oxford, UK.

Jetway B24 at the end of the OHare universe
Jetway B24 at the end of the OHare universe. Arrival on commuter plan from Cedar Rapids, to discover gate at very end of airport, by fences with access road into terminals just on the other side. Fortunately, connection scheduled of 2 hours, and flight to Toronto leaves from Gate B14. (Chicago) 20140501
Pine Hills Cemetery
Pine Hills Cemetery. Family and friends gathered to honour the life of Violet Ing. Lots of stories about the past and memories. (Scarborough, Ontario) 20140505
PanAm Athletes Village under construction
PanAm Athletes Village under construction. Canary District, Cherry Street by Front Street, with unfinished apartments in the background. Roads are blocked to traffic while streetcar tracks are being put in, but construction workers at the end of day don’t pay much attention to a cyclist (Toronto) 20140507
Corktown Commons playground ready for children
Corktown Commons playground ready for children. Aqua colored soft playground surfaces in quiet playground on a cool late Thursday afternoon. Road construction and unfinished apartment buildings mean families not yet nearby. View north to Adelaide overpass. (Toronto) 20140508
Monday night family dinner out
Monday night family dinner out. Seating for 6, ordered for 8. Way too much good, leftovers predictable. (Markham) 20140512
Alfresco dining in Iowa
Alfresco dining in Iowa. Heartland tradition of thick burgers from local beef on Fridays, Curbside Grill by Chef Curtis by the Hy-Vee supermarket, over by the gas bar. Cooked to order slightly pink might not meet big city bylaws. Retreated to cafe for warmth in unexpectedly chilly May. (Fairfield, IA) 20140516
Intercept for breakfast
Intercept for breakfast. Early morning, then two hours drive west in Iowa to meet in person, after months of teleconferences. Last minute plans on meetings in South Dakota over breakfast. (Des Moines) 20140519
Deadwood History and Information Center
Deadwood History and Information Center. Learned that during the Gold Rush, Deadwood had the largest Chinatown outside of San Francisco. Historian said last building demolished some decades ago, leading to formation of historical society. (Deadwood, SD) 20140522
Queue for platform 9-3/4
Queue for platform 9-3/4. Everyone wants to join Harry Potter at Hogwarts at permanent installation at King’s Cross station. Renovations at station now all done. (London, England) 20140525
Lounge at Egrove Park
Lounge at Egrove Park. Residence for executive education at Said Business School at Oxford U. is quite tranquil when not in session. Bedrooms are architecturally interesting, but luggage up and down stairs annoying. (Oxford) 20140529

Radcliffe Observatory, Green Templeton College
Radcliffe Observatory, Green Templeton College on Flickr. Dinner for Oxford Futures Forum on oldest continually operating meteorological station on Britain. Chef reputed to get superior ratings after each course than professors (Oxford) 20140530
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