Enjoyed early summer in Toronto with multiple festivals, and made a quick trip to Vancouver to visit family
Toronto, Ontario; Vancouver, BC
Jimmie Simpson Park: Maze of white tents for #RiverdaleArtWalk @ArtistsNetwork1 annual event in early June. Came for a stroll in the last hour of the two day event, somewhat overwhelmed by the scope and variety of artistic styles and materials. Clear weather this weekend, prior years have seen unfortunate rainy periods. (Jimmie Simpson Park, Queen Street East, Toronto, Ontario) 20230604Rogers Centre: First visit to ballpark in section 521 with @codeforca social event, where the ball in flight is easy to see with good lighting. Toronto Blue Jays advanced runner to second base, and eventually defeated Houston Astros 5 to 1. Enjoyed meal of plant-based beef kofta bowl more than the vegan field roast hotdog, discovered elevators less tiring than walking ramps to tour the variety of stadium concessions. (Rogers Centre, Blue Jay Way, Toronto, Ontario) 20230607Museum of Contemporary Art Toronto: Green screen of Imposter Cities that was shown at La Biennale dii Venezia 2020 chroma-keys subjects into a subway station, with an armed assailant emerging from behind a pillar. Movie audiences may feel like a TTC subway train should arrive soon, but it’s probably the unused Lower Bay station. Ordered tickets to the exhibition a few hours before going, advantages of living in downtown Toronto. (Museum of Contemporary Art, Sterling Road, Toronto, Ontario) 20230609Little Portugal: Serious Filipino grillmaster @DoWestFest cranks fan to stoke flames from charcoal, wearing gas mask to filter out smoke. Some irony, given the air quality alert based on wildfire smoke was just reduced from high risk to moderate. Slow stroll for three in our family, we elders feel a little out of place with the hip, younger attendees dominant on the west side of town. (Little Portugal, Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ontario) 20230609
David Crombie Park: Appearance by @walkwithamal in St. Lawrence neighbourhood, on weekend of @Luminato, a 12-foot puppet of a 10-year old Syrian girl looking for her mother and a new home. Visiting multiple venues in town each day, children gathering to the sound of drums and music ahead. Message of hope and solidarity has already visited 13 countries since 2021, will tour the USA in fall. (David Crombie Park, The Esplanade, Toronto, Ontario) 20220610
The Theatre Centre: Slowed down to listen to stories @iankamau #LossInIsolation interactive installation curated by @oddsidearts @LuminatoFestivalTO in the upstairs space. The couch welcomes visitors to hear experiences of Trinidadian diaspora in Canada, and their heritage families on the big screen, with a subtlety of slow movement on some small video screens amongst the pictures. Doilies and pens are offered, should some want to share similar journeys on the Clothesline Memory Wall. (The Theatre Centre, Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario) 20230613
Fortune Seafood Restaurant: Saturday night dinner early for Father’s Day, to accommodate busy schedules. Paused to take photo after Peking duck, lobster, pork chop, chicken and eggplant we on the table, yet before the whole fish, scallops, mushroom with greens, and two friend noodle dishes arrived. More leftovers taken home than usual. (Fortune Seafood Restaurant, Midland Avenue, Scarborough, Ontario) 20230617
Little Italy: Latin trio @micheldequevedo drums, @Ericstlaurent guitar, @YoserBass bass, @TOLittleItaly encouraging couple to engage in close dancing. Many onlookers at the street festival at dusk, some recording selfies. Much more action on the street than one year ago, even as street lights came on. (Little Italy, Montrose Avenue at College Street, Toronto, Ontario) 20230618
White Spot Richmond Centre: Visitors flying into YVR for a midweek visit were hosted for lunch by two working professionals sneaking out on work. We’ve reached that age where debriefings on family health status has to be cleared before substantive conversation ensues. Venue chosen for proximity to the Skytrain terminus station, with easy access for us to continue to the West End. (White Spot Richmond Centre, No. 3 Road, Richmond, BC) 20230620Simon K.Y. Lee Seniors Care Home: With 2 years and 8 months since DY last visited her mother, we squeezed in a midweek run to the west coast with this primary agenda item. Arriving just before dinner was served, we spoiled the nutrional balance of the meal by offering fresh strawberries first. Cool day in Vancouver, 10 degrees C lower than Toronto, so visiting in the garden was ill-advised. (Simon K.Y. Lee Seniors Care Home, Carrall Street, Vancouver, BC) 20230620Sushi Aboard: Last minute coordination for early dinner with nephew, when original plans to visit Vancouver Art Gallery were squashed by them changing their schedule to close on Tuesdays. Restaurant reduces human contact when ordering is done on the overhead tablet, and sushi is delivered from behind the wall via the little boat on the conveyor belt. Conversation graduaally eroded as the easterners who woke up at 5:30am ET were dealing with 7:30pm PT jet lag. (Sushi Aboard, Denman Street, Vancouver, BC) 20230620
Emily Carr University of Art and Design: Overlook onto machines for Great Northern Way – Emily Carr segment of Broadway Subway Project due to open in 2026. We came to view the art, and inadvertently crashed the Summer Patio Party sponsored the the Emily Carr Students’ Union. Hospitality was shared with the offering of gourmet popsicles, we enjoyed one mango and one lime, in addition to viewing the Student Exhibition The Show 2023. (Emily Carr University of Art and Design, East 1st Street, Vancouver, BC) 20230621
False Creek Ferries: The shortest route to Granville Island Public Market from our hotel on Robson Street west was to walk south to the dock by the Aquatic Centre, and take the short ferry ride. The multiple ships are small and cozy, with frequent arrivals for the 5-minute jouney. The stroll along Beach Avenue was unfamiliar to me, as only DY lived in the West End in the early 1980s. (Aquatic Centre Ferry Dock, False Creek, Vancouver, BC) 20230621YVR Airport Canada Line Station: On the bridge from Canada Line into the terminal, #SusanPoint (2009) Cedar Connection represents the Musqueam view the great rainforest and the Fraser River. Human face is on this side, the owl is on the other side. Return to Toronto barely 2 days after arrival, visited DY’s mother and a few family members. (YVR Airport Canada Line Station, Grant McConachie Way, Richmond, BC) 20230622Galata Restaurant: Family dinner enjoying boru kebabı (Turkish pipe kebab), as well as grilled combo and two orders of pide without cheese. Staff bring their own lighting wand to snap photos, we may end up on their web stream. Son #2 arrived late, crosstown traffic on weekend with Pride celebrations, and Toronto Jazz Festival. (Galata Restaurant, Danforth Avenue, Toronto, Ontario) 20230623
Gardiner Museum: Standing on a stool on a raised plaza for #TorontoJazzFestival big stage, the Royal Ontario Museum was much easier to see than #BadBadNotGood. Crowd scene isn’t my style, I prefer less commercial musicians. Biked past two concert stages for Pride 2023, wending around Toronto Metropolitan University on the way home. (Gardiner Museum, Queens Park, Toronto, Ontario) 20230624
Victoria University: Dreamy moody performance @jonahyano @torontojazzfest #TDMusic Main Stage on university quad. Audience of young adults, the categorization of music as jazz is loose. Bike route to venue evaded Pride Parade route on Yonge Street, but didn’t account for barricades on Bay Street by Nathan Phillips Square. (Victoria University, Queens Park, University of Toronto) 20230625
Village of Yorkville Park: Rainy day cleared to sunshine for @nickyschrire singing selections from Nowhere Girl release @torontojazzfest, with #TaraDavidson sax, @ChrisDonnelly99 piano, @DangerHerring bass, @ErnestoCervini drums. Cheerful tunes, and the band was laughing at jokes onstage. Closing singalong encouraged, “Everyone can sing. Bob Dylan is a living testament”. (Village of Yorkville Park, Cumberland Street, Torotno, Ontario) 20230626
Village of Yorkville Park: Scheduled to record first album next week, @andrewmarzotto guitar @torontojazzfest leading @ewenfarncombe piano, #JonathanChapman bass, #AustinGambora drums. Rain delay was 30 minutes, stage still partially covered after crew swabbed the stage. Crowd accumulated after the sun came back. (Village of Yorkville Park, Cumberland Street, Toronto, Ontario) 20230627
Victoria University: Attentive audience for @MarkGuiliana drums @torontojazzfest with @JasonRigby sax, #JasonLindner piano, @ChrisjMorrissey bass. Commented that 10 minutes before taking stage, the band saw a large lawn of open grass. Speaking with a volunteer, a large contingent from the Humber College music program anticipated the talent. (Victoria College, Queens Park, University of Toronto) 20230627
Two years after submitting an academic manuscript and responding to double-blind reviews, “Rethinking work, with the pandemic disruption” has now been published in the International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior (IJOTB) as earlycite. The article has a DOI (Document Object Identifier), and should be streamed with an official volume and issue number soon. The […]
The 128th meeting of Systems Thinking Ontario was convened in person. The classroom was filled with current students, alumni, our regular participants, and a few curious newcomers. Moderated by Zaid Khan, the conversation was sparked by Stephen Davies and myself (David Ing) on the evolving styles in learning systems thinking. Stephen has been leading SFIN-6011 […]
The “Understanding Systems” SFIN-6011 course is a requirement in the master’s program in Strategic Foresight and Innovation at OCADU. For winter 2025, the class is now led by Stephen Davies, breaking the incremental evolving of content since 2008. While still on faculty at OCADU, the original course designer Peter H. Jones is now a Distinguished […]
In the 1970s, five ways of knowing were established by C. West Churchman in The Design of Inquiring Systtems. In the 1990s, his student Ian Mitroff carried on the tradition and extended that work in The Unbounded Mind. Now in the 2020s, the technology of Generative AI opens up opportunties to query or request responses […]
For readers with an interest deeper than the 15-minute presentation given in August, the Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Socio-Technical Perspectives in Information Systems (STPIS 2024) have now been formally publishied. The invited paper on “Reifying Socio-Technical and Socio-Ecological Perspectives for Systems Changes: From rearranging objects to repacing rhythms” was reviewed by the […]
The 125th meeting of Systems Thinking Ontario coincided with the closing day for the RSD13-RSDX online program. As a regular systems convening group, we’ve had monthly meetings since January 2013. Zaid Khan moderated a discussion including me (David Ing), Tim Lloyd, Allenna Leonard, and Kelly Okamura. We recollected starting as a spinoff from Design with […]
David L. Hawk (American management theorist, architect, and systems scientist) has been hosting a weekly television show broadcast on Bold Brave Tv from the New York area on Wednesdays 6pm ET, remotely from his home in Iowa. Live, callers can join…Read more ›
Following the first day lecture on Philosophy of Chinese Medicine 1 for the Global University for Sustainability, Keekok Lee continued on a second day on some topics: * Anatomy as structure; physiology as function (and process); * Process ontology, and thing ontology; * Qi ju as qi-in-concentrating mode, and qi san as qi-in-dissipsating mode; and […]
The philosophy of science underlying Classical Chinese Medicine, in this lecture by Keekok Lee, provides insights into ways in which systems change may be approached, in a process ontology in contrast to the thing ontology underlying Western BioMedicine. Read more ›
In conversation, @zeynep with @ezraklein reveal authentic #SystemsThinking in (i) appreciating that “science” is constructed by human collectives, (ii) the west orients towards individual outcomes rather than population levels; and (iii) there’s an over-emphasis on problems of the moment, and…Read more ›
In the question-answer period after the lecture, #TimIngold proposes art as a discipline of inquiry, rather than ethnography. This refers to his thinking On Human Correspondence. — begin paste — [75m26s question] I am curious to know what art, or…Read more ›
How might our society show value for the long term, over the short term? Could we think about taxation over time, asks @carlotaprzperez in an interview: 92% for 1 day; 80% within 1 month; 50%-60% tax for 1 year; zero tax for 10 years.Read more ›
In 2024, WordPress Studio was released, making installation on a local computer simpler. The instructions were modified from MacOS to Ubuntu Linux, by Daniel Kossmann, “How to install WordPress Studio in Ubuntu Linux” | Jun 15, 2024 at https://www.danielkossmann.com/how-to-install-wordpress-studio-ubuntu-linux/ I already had NVM installed, but in Terminal, with the result “command not found”. In the […]
The appreciation of change is different in Western philosophy than in classical Chinese philosophy. JeeLoo Lin published a concise contrast on differences. Let me parse the Introduction to the journal article, that is so clearly written. The Chinese theory of time is built into a language that is tenseless. The Yijing (Book of Changes) there […]
In trying to place the World Hypotheses work of Stephen C. Pepper (with multiple root metaphors), Nicholas Rescher provides a helpful positioning. — begin paste — Philosophical perspectivism maintains that substantive philosophical positions can be maintained only from a “perspective” of some sort. But what sort? Clearly different sorts of perspectives can be conceived of, […]
Finding proper words to express system(s) change(s) can be a challenge. One alternative could be diachrony. The Oxford English dictionary provides two definitions for diachronic, the first one most generally related to time. (The second is linguistic method) diachronic ADJECTIVE Oxford English Dictionary, s.v. “diachronic (adj.), sense 1,” July 2023, https://doi.org/10.1093/OED/3691792233. For completeness, prochronic relates “to […]
The selection of readings in the “Introduction” to Systems Thinking: Selected Readings, volume 2, Penguin (1981), edited by Fred E. Emery, reflects a turn from 1969 when a general systems theory was more fully entertained, towards an urgency towards changes in the world that were present in 1981. Systems thinking was again emphasized in contrast […]