The Theatre Centre: Dinner-theatre @CahootsTheatre production of #BetweenAWokAndAHotpot with #mandamlin later plays name-that-actor, not scripting @jean_yoon in audience stage left. Instructing audience members not only on ingredients and protocol for communal dining, but also the history of Taiwan, immigration, and Asian-Canadian identity. (The Theatre Centre, Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario) 20230209
Hirut: Reinterpreting Black Disciples from The Triodes band, called by @robocchipinti (bass) with @michaelocchipintimusic (guitar), @hug_the_mod (violin), #DavideDiRenzo (drums). Paul Neufeld was listening in the audience, and then left to play another gig. World class musicians in a neighbourhood east end venue, casual and low stress, (Hirut Cafe and Restaurant, Danforth Avenue, Toronto) 20230211
Hirut: Without sequencer, #AreYouGoingWithMe called by @robocchipintii (bass) with @michaelocchipintimusic (guitar), @hug_the_mod (violin), #DavideDiRenzo (drums). One of two #PatMetheny tunes played in the early set. More improvised than rehearsed, key features of the composition were preserved. (Hirut Cafe and Restaurant, Danforth Avenue, Toronto) 20230211