2020/06 Moments June 2020 daviding 4 years ago Toronto, Ontario Ontario Place West Channel: From the southeast tip of Marilyn Bell Park, boardwalk gives a view of the silos @OntarioPlace West Islands. Fond memories of the venue from my childhood, when the programming was focused on family education about the province. Pleasure boats presumably headed for the north marina. (Ontario Place West Channel, Lake Shore Boulevard West, Toronto, Ontario) 20200601 Lower Don Recreation Trail: Don Mills Road Underpass eastbound from E.T. Seton Park is new to me, despite decades of bicycling around the city. Just north of junction of West Don River branch and main Don River, bridge wends over rail tracks. Routed from Thornecliffe Park to the north, coming down a very long hill that I wouldn’t want to bike up on. (Don Mills Road Underpass, Lower Don Recreation Trail, Don Mills, Ontario) 20200609 Ashbridges Bay Skateboard Park: One of 14 skateboard parks open in Toronto, with city is still in Phase 1 reopening while most of province is in Phase 2. Clear, bright afternoon, although temperatures barely warm enough to wear shorts. On bike path, parents guiding children on small bicycles, while racers in spandex zoom by. (Ashbridges Bay Skateboard Park, Lake Shore Boulevard East, Toronto, Ontario) 20200616 Cruise Ship Terminal: When/if a Great Lakes passenger vessel requiring a second floor gangway docks in Toronto, the Port of Toronto is ready. However, the pandemic has pre-empted the cruising season for the year, not that many ships visit our city. The other side of the buildings has been rented out for film production offices, and the massive parking lot is cordoned off for automobile dealer inventories. (Cruise Ship Terminal, Unwin Avenue, Toronto, Ontario) 20200624 King Street West at John Street: Wider sidewalks by restaurants in the theatre district has enabled city dwellers finally in Covid Phase 2 reopening to enjoy a summer Friday night physically together. Bicycling by the storefronts, I noticed the interiors were largely vacant, so the 2 metre distancing wouldn’t be a problem. This cluster of open businesses isn’t the norm, however; nearby blocks see maybe 25% with lights on to welcome customers. (King Street West at John Street, Theatre District, Toronto, Ontario) 20200626 Paul Kane Parkette: Small green space facing south, in front of facade incorporated in the 1985 construction of a coop complex on the north side of the building. Paul Kane was a painter, born in Ireland, living at this site 1853 to 1871. I’ve never stopped at this venue, but was out bicycling, and found a comfortable place to take a phone call, after passing through the relatively quiet Pride Weekend hangouts. (Paul Kane Parkette, Wellesley Street East, Toronto, Ontario) 20200627 Fentster: Storefront gallery @MakomTO installation @RDavidovitz (2020) What Will Remain stained glass sculpture has cracked panes, when inspected more closely. Toronto-based artist pays tribute to grandfather who would repair broken windows in post-war Vilna (then Poland, now Lithuania). On the eve of statutory holiday, few people on the street, except for pizza pickups next door. (Fentster / Makom: Creative Downtown Judaism, College Street West, Toronto, Ontario) 20200630