2010/07 Moments, July 2010 daviding 14 years ago Toronto, Ontario; Chicago, Illinois; Waterloo, Ontario. Jari and Kirsti say that Lake Ontario is colder and clearer at Bluffers Park than at Cherry Beach, having started waterfront tour way west at Sunnyside. They say the great lake is the size of the Gulf of Finland (Toronto, Saturday) 20100703 1700 Harbourfront Centre Sirius Stage: Beats, Breaks and Culture final battle between Ground Illusions and FAM. Noah Ing taking the stage (Toronto, Sunday) 20100711 1750 The Bean (Cloud Gate) at Millenium Park, installed in 2004. Much better use of the parklands thab in the 1980s when I lived in this city (Chicago, Thursday) 20100715 0930 Debora Hammond taking questions after her talk on Food Policy for a Resilient Future, with Ockie Bosch moderating session (Wilfred Laurier U., Waterloo. ON) 20100721 1000 Markus Schwaniger causal loop diagram on the Culture of Fear associated with an economic downturn at ISSS 2010 (Waterloo, Ontario) 20100722 Jennifer Wilby taking the role of president of the International Society for the Systems Science. A transition from the role of VP of Administration, revisiting bylaws developed by G.A. Swanson with a renewed emphasis on the ISSS council (Waterloo, Ontario, Canada) 20100723 1200 Acupuncture mannekin in Dr. Lam’s treatment room. This show the position for needles in the back, where I had eight needles formed in two rows. Hours later, I am still feeling heat on my back. (Toronto, Monday) 20100726 1630